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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It is happening.  It really is happening, right now, right here in the New Port Richey area, and by everyday people.  All around us it is happening, Disciples of Christ are answering the call to arms. “The call to arms?” you ask. Yes the call to arms, the call to armed conflict, the call to armed conflict with the oppressors who have imprisoned so many that we love, and more importantly, all of the ones that the Lord loves with His entire being.    The oppressors are brutal and have neither love nor mercy – they seek to torment and destroy all they can out of hatred and revenge for their guaranteed future defeat.  It is time for us to answer the call to arms issued by the Word of The Lord and by the urging of the Holy Spirit.  Ephesians 5:16, says to, “Make the most of every opportunity for the days are evil.”, so we need to answer the call and cannot wait any longer.  Also, the Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season …” This is in command form, and therefore, we are responsible before The Lord to obey it.  To be “prepared in season and out of season”, means to be ready when we know we will be called upon to preach the word and when we do not think we will be called upon – be ready at all times.
 Just this week a man from our church was at the Publix on Ridge Rd, by Regency, and encountered a demon-possessed man.  He followed the man as he ran loops around the parking lot, trying to catch him and minister deliverance to him.  The demon possessed man fled into the Publix, but just then, another man by the entrance spoke out to the disciple to start a conversation.  The disciple recognized that this other man was the main focus that the Holy Spirit had at that moment.  The end result was that on the side walk in front of Publix the disciple rebuked the spirits of addiction and horror from the mind of the veteran who had seen too much and had become an alcoholic. The vet was crying and asked the question as to why the disciple wasn’t a pastor.  The disciple’s response was that he was just doing what all Christians are supposed to do.  I also learned of a person from our church this week who ministered to an older lady in the produce section of Wal-Mart and rebuked the spirit of infirmity behind the lady’s high cholesterol levels and super high blood pressure levels.  The conversation began because the older lady simply commented that she would be on a fruit and cottage cheese diet for the rest of her life.  Let’s state Ephesians 5:16 again, “Make the most of every opportunity for the days are evil.”  I was in the checkout line at Wal-Mart, and the Holy Spirit told me to tell the cashier, very sincerely and directly, that the Lord loves her.  I did so and she broke down crying making somewhat of a scene – there were three or four customers behind me waiting to be checked out.  The short story is that her mother was just murdered less than a week before and she wanted me to pray with her right there without regard for her job.  Her mother was murdered!  This poor woman was standing there with a gaping hole in her heart and on a different day, I may have just smiled and walked out the door! The King of the universe loves that cashier, her pain hurts His heart, and He wanted me to let her know so she could get to know Him, so they could cry together for a while, and so He could heal her hurts.
One of my favorite passages is Matthew 10:7-8, which says, “7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”  The phrase, “as you go” means just that – as you go about your daily routine and business.  This is the call to arms, to be Disciples of Christ in love, in words, and in power … where ever we may go from day to day.  Our weapons?  The Scriptures clearly state in 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, “3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”  As I quoted before from 2 Timothy 4:2, we need to be ready to preach on the Lord’s behalf at all times.  I know some of you have arguments rising up in your mind as you read this, but the Lord would not issue a command to you unless he was going to make sure you were able to follow it.  You may not have Bible verses memorized yet, or a evangelistic message ready for street ministry, but every believer, every disciple, has at least one weapon, one mighty weapon.  Revelation 12:11 says, “They triumphed over him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony …” Two weapons are listed here – the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, and the word of their testimonies.  If you are a disciple, then that means you have the blood of Jesus, in you and covering you.  Notice the second weapon is phrased as “their”.  Using one of your personal testimonies of what the Lord has done for you to witness to people in your daily routines is powerful.  If you are new in the Lord and do not have an arsenal of testimonies yet, or none of yours fit the situation being discussed with the person to which you are ministering, use someone else’s testimonies – that is the “their” in “their testimonies”.  Tell them, “I have a friend who faced a similar situation …”, or ,”there is a lady at my church who …”, you get the point.  The Lord has made it so that we always have weapons with which to set captives free and bring people to Him.  We simply have to be willing to obey, to answer the "call to arms" He has issued. Will you answer it?
There is a saying that I came up with years ago to challenge myself and keep myself focused on the tasks of the Lord.  When I was feeling lazy, distracted, intimidated, or even offended, I would shake my soul with this phrase – often looking in the closest mirror straight into my own pupils.  It is a phrase I have brought back into personal usage and hope you will use it too.  It goes well with the first verse I quoted, it is this, “Get to work, souls are dying!”  With urgency, because every moment is someone’s last moment, let us answer the Lord’s call to arms and preach, heal, deliver, and work miracles as we go about our daily business.  Will you?
                                                                Baaron (LifeGroup Director)